In addition to regular stories on all things that make the Southwest shine, each month The Best of the Southwest takes readers on a weekend getaway, sharing the ultimate itinerary for a destination either a quick drive or short flight away, in a column we are calling Field Trip Friday. Today’s field trip: Russian River […]
Ten miles. Of Beaches. And not just any beaches…Newport Beach is home to some of the nation’s most insanely gorgeous beaches ranging from small, intimate coves to sand-covered meccas with expansive boardwalks just begging for walkers, skaters and cyclists. Not only that, but the Southern California gem is a surfer, shopper, animal lover and foodie’s […]
The Crawford Hotel in Downtown Denver recently unveiled a major refresh, including a luxurious design update to each of its 112 magnificent guest rooms. Need more? Read more: LoDo’s Denver Milk Market unveils extensive refresh Major refresh with callbacks to Dana Crawford Originally opened in 1881, the iconic Denver Union Station reopened to great fanfare in July 2014 after a $54 million […]